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Dance Type:Israeli Dances
Video Source:Rokdim 407
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Dance Name Dances with Audio Clip Dances with Video Clip Dances with Song Lyric Translation Type Year Choreographer Info
Ad Sheharitzpa Tipol Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip   Until the floor falls c 2018 Itzik Ben Dahan Info
Ana Kurdi Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip   I am Kurdish (Arabian) c 2007 Shmulik Gov Ari Info
Bereshit Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip   In the beginning c 2018 Ilai Szpiezak-Sharon Elkaslassy  
Chemdati Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip   My delight (f.) c 1958 Shalom Hermon Info
Chofim Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip View Song Lyric Shores c 1979 Yossi Abuhav Info
Choshev Aleha Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip   Think of her c 2018 Ariane Butel Info
Einecha Mesaprot Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip   Your eyes tell c 2009 David Sabag Info
Eize Yom Yafe (Eizeh Yom Yafe Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip   What a beautiful day Lk 2018 Yael Yaakovi  
Et Ratson Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip   Time of appeasing p 1988 Seadia Amishai Info
Freestyle Festival Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip   Freestyle festival Lk 2018 Revital Golan Info
Hamavdil Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip View Song Lyric The one who separates c 1974 Moshiko Halevy Info
Hora Yehudit Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip   Hora Jewish c 1986 David Ben Naim Info
Janantani Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip   Janantani c 2017 Shlomo Maman Info
Keren Rishona Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip   First ray p 2018 Tuvia Tishler Info
Kol Haolam Kulo Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip   First ray c 2018 Eli Segal Info
Lamenatzeach Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip View Song Lyric For the conductor pt 1968 Rivka Sturman Info
Lemargelotecha Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip   At your feet p 2018 Shlomo Maman Info
Libi Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip View Song Lyric My heart c 2018 Yuval Tabashi Info
Lihyot Besimha Tamid Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip   The whole world c 2018 Oren Ashkenazi-Lena Ashkenazi  
Lo Tzarich Harbe (Lo Tzarich Harbeh) Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip View Song Lyric Do not need much p 1991 Amnon Amram Info
Machur Al Yevanit Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip View Song Lyric Addicted to Greek c 2001 Moshe Eskayo Info
Mazalot Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip   Zodiac c 1978 Shlomo Bachar Info
Medabrim Ahava Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip   Always be happy p 2018 Shimon Vered Info
Mimaamakim Umtzulot Yam Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip   From the depths and the depths of the sea c 2018 Itzik Ben Dahan Info
Mishahu Acher Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip   Talking love c 2018 Shira Waitzman Info
Mocher Prachim (Hora Perach) Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip View Song Lyric Flowers seller pt 1973 Israel Yakovee Info
Paamey Aviv Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip   Spring time p 1984 Yoav Ashriel Info
Pashut Anashim Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip   Just people c 2018 Nurit Melamed Info
Provincial Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip   Provincial L 2018 Michael Barzelai Info
Rak Tachzor Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip   Someone else c 2018 Shlomo Maman Info
Rega Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip   Minute c 2018 Nurit Melamed Info
Shuv Leehov Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip   Love again p 2016 Itzik Ben Dahan Info
Tzvayim Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip   Colours p 2018 Yaron Malihi Info
Yesh Li Et Haderech Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip   I have the way c 2017 Nurit Melamed Info
Ze Tov (Zeh Tov) Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip View Song Lyric It's good it's good c 2005 Oren Ashkenazi Info
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Nirkoda (Australia): Active Inactive Never Taught    Year Taught 
Machol (Australia): Active Inactive Never Taught    Year Taught 
Hora (Australia): Active Inactive Never Taught    Year Taught 
Zooz (Australia): Active Inactive Never Taught    Year Taught 
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Database content copyright © 1996-2024 Jack Steel
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