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Dance Name Dances with Audio Clip Dances with Video Clip Dances with Song Lyric Translation Type Year Choreographer Info
Abus Enak Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip   Kiss your eyes (Arabic) p 1992 Shlomo Maman Info
Ahava Pshuta (Ahavah Pshutah) Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip View Song Lyric Simple love p 1983 Roni Siman Tov Info
Ani Haeved Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip   I am the slave c 2010 Shlomo Maman Info
Bakapayim Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip   Clap and enjoy life c 2010 Shmulik Gov Ari Info
Balada LaMaayan Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip View Song Lyric Ballad to the spring c 1983 Shlomo Maman Info
Bein Keshet Le'anan Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip   Between the rainbow and cloud c 2010 Gadi Bitton Info
Beleilot Hakayitz Hachamim Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip View Song Lyric On hot summer nights c 2003 Tuvia Tishler Info
Bepundak Katan Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip View Song Lyric In a small inn c 1988 Avi Perez Info
Bishvilcha Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip   For you c 2010 Elad Shtamer Info
Chasidei Dagan (Chasidey Dagan) Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip   The Chassidim of Dagan c 2011 Shlomi Mordechai Info
Chasmal Baavir Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip View Song Lyric Electricity in the air c 2007 Oren Ashkenazi-Shlomi Mordechai  
Chaya Bishvilchah Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip View Song Lyric Living (f.) For you c 2002 Meir Shem Tov Info
Day Lakeev       Enough of the Pain 2011 Unknown  
El Hamayim Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip View Song Lyric To the water c 1993 Shmulik Gov Ari Info
Eretz Israel Yafa (Eretz Israel Yafah) Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip View Song Lyric The land of Israel is beautiful c 1980 Yankale Levy Info
Gvanim Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip View Song Lyric Shades of color c 1978 Shlomo Maman Info
Haayara Shel Tuvia Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip View Song Lyric Tuvia's town c 2011 Victor Gabbay Info
Hine Ma Tov (Hineh Ma Tov) Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip View Song Lyric How good it is L 2000 Silvio Berlfein Info
Hu Yevarchecha   View Video Clip   Don't hug me c 2011 Nurit Melamed Info
Inbalim Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip   The sound of bells c 2010 Meir Shem Tov Info
Keayal Taarog Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip   Yearn as a deer c 2011 Dan-Marieke Assouline  
Kleizmer Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip   Band c 1970 Yoav Ashriel Info
Kol Hamaalot Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip View Song Lyric The virtues of ascents c 2006 Victor Gabbay Info
Lo Ahavti Day (Od Lo Ahavti Dai) Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip View Song Lyric I haven't loved enough yet c 1977 Yankale Levy Info
Lo Avakesh Et Yadech Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip   Like a dream p 2010 Avi Perez Info
Lo Matzati Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip   I did not find c 2011 Ohad Atia-Gadi Bitton  
Ma Kore Itach (Ma Koreh Itach) Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip   What's happening with you? c 2011 Dudu Barzilay Info
Mashber Emun Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip   Crisis of trust p 2010 Miri Akuni Info
Mayim Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip View Song Lyric Water c 1991 Yair Ankri Info
Mayim Rabim Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip View Song Lyric Lots of water p 1991 Meir Shem Tov Info
Miliyon Neshikot Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip   A million kisses c 2011 Miri Akuni Info
Mizmor Legilad Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip   A song for gilad c 2011 Meir Shem Tov Info
Nigun Atik (Zemer Atik) Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip View Song Lyric Ancient melody c 1956 Rivka Sturman Info
Olam Shel Yeladim Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip   Kids world c 2011 Shlomo Maman Info
Osher Katan Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip   Small happiness c 2011 Shlomo Maman Info
Shaarey Shamayim (Shaarei Shamayim) Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip   Gates of haven c 2010 Avner Naim Info
Shir Tikva Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip   A song of hope c 2011 Avi Levy Info
Simcha Gdola Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip   Great joy c 2003 Shmulik Gov Ari Info
Tzadik Katamar Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip View Song Lyric Righteous as a palm tree c 1965 Jonathan Gabay Info
Yechida Raaya (Yechida Raayah) Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip   One and only wife c 2011 Elad Shtamer Info
Yesh Ba Mashehu Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip   There's something about her p 2011 Elad Shtamer Info
Zichronot Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip   Memories c 1979 Shlomo Bachar Info
Zodiac (Zodiak) Listen to Audio Clip View Video Clip View Song Lyric Zodiac L 1992 Tzipi Cohen Info
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Database content copyright © 1996-2024 Jack Steel
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